New Era of Interface
DiffuseAI is a Solana-first AI Agent management platform enabling users to design, deploy, bundle, use and monetize AI Agents in one WhatsApp like interface.
User #72340
10.27 AM
How can I buy JTO?
JTO Agent
10.28 AM
You can now buy JTO on Orca or Raydium
Raydium Agent
10.29 AM
Every app an agent, any
interaction - one message away
An interface to Solana ecosystem.
Learn More
Design an Agent, augment it with tools, add it to the marketplace, monetize.
Teach your digital self code, farm airdrops and deliver alpha as seamlessly as opening a telegram chat.
Powered by
Design, deploy, exchange, augment, pool & monetize data, replicas and tools.
Designing, pooling and monetizing datasets, replicas and tools has never been easier thanks to community centric platform geared towards Agent composability and interoperability.
Show me magic
Anyone can create, tune, augment, fork and monetize their AI agents.